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[Codewars #60] Basic Mathematical Operations (8kyu)

· 약 2분



Your task is to create a function that does four basic mathematical operations.

The function should take three arguments - operation(string/char), value1(number), value2(number). The function should return result of numbers after applying the chosen operation.


basicOp('+', 4, 7) // Output: 11
basicOp('-', 15, 18) // Output: -3
basicOp('*', 5, 5) // Output: 25
basicOp('/', 49, 7) // Output: 7

My Solution

namespace Solution
public static class Program
public static double basicOp(char operation, double value1, double value2)
switch (operation)
case '+': return value1 + value2;
case '-': return value1 - value2;
case '*': return value1 * value2;
case '/': return value1 / value2;

return 0;
  • 문자에 따라 각 연산을 해주면 된다.

Best Practices

namespace Solution
public static class Program
public static double basicOp(char op, double val1, double val2)
case '+': return val1+val2;
case '-': return val1-val2;
case '*': return val1*val2;
case '/': return val1/val2;
throw new System.ArgumentException("Unknown operation!", op.ToString());
  • 똑같지만, 여기서는 default일때 예외 발생 코드가 추가되어 있음.